Saturday, June 10, 2006

How Does Strip Poker Work?

How does strip poker work? I know it has some of the elements of poker. I guess it has dealing cards, and straight flushes and full houses and all that. That seems like the only way to score the game, and I guess you could work that into a "strip" format. But does anyone like the "poker" format for games merely because of the hands? That three-of-a-kind scores higher than two pair is purely incidental. It is merely a convenient way to adjudicate who wins the pot.

But besides that, does strip poker contain any of the elements of real poker? The whole reason people play poker is to wager and bluff and call and fold etc. Is it possible to do that in strip poker?

Clearly if it is, the chips are going to have to correspond to clothes. The average person has about 7 articles of clothes on. You can't ante less than one article of clothing, and the wagering system breaks down entirely if players aren't required to ante anything. Requiring players to ante one seventh of their stake every round is not a good way to run a poker game, the ante *traditionally* being a nominal amount of money. A game with such a large ante would practically force players to bet away their whole stake in the first few hands, which is no fun and takes out most of the strategy.

Second, money or chips are way more fungible than clothes. You might think that if a player loses his pants, he could win back, if not his pants, then somebody else's in another round but that is not necessarily the case. Consider this scenario. First round, everyone bets their socks and shoes (Strip poker tip: wager your non-essential items of clothing first). Player 1 wins the pot. Second round everyone folds but players 2 and 3. Player 3 loses his shirt to player 2. Third round, everyone but players 3 and 1 fold. Player 3, even in the best case is not going to win anything but lots and lots of socks.

What is the advantage of winning clothes you cannot possibly wear? You might as well not be able to win back clothing at all, which is to say that you might as well not be playing poker.

Instead of poker here are some games that might work better in the "strip" format:

Checkers: Take off an article of clothing whenever you lose a man (or maybe two men)
War: Retain a piece of clothing for every 4 cards you have.
UNO: Have as many articles of clothing on as you have cards in your hand (reverse incentive style)
Tag: Take off a piece of clothing whenever you become "it". Naked people become out when tagged.


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