Saturday, June 17, 2006

I Urge You to Read This

This list of things people found out late in life. About five of these came as actual revelations to me, and if you are about as ignorant as I am then your number should be the same.

You should watch out, because a few of these so-called facts are actually wrong. Also some of them are awfully stupid, which makes me worry that the people I see every day, and talk to (often intelligently) are completely misunderstanding me or vice-versa.

Has anybody else noticed that Mr. Cockerham has gotten completely lame-o since he got married and had a baby? Is it that his wife is personally dreary, or that marriage makes everyone vapid and irritating?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What sort of misunderstanding is it that you fear may be occuring?

9:47 PM  
Blogger apk01004 said...

Well basically any kind. When you talk to someone and they don't believe something that is obvious to you, it will almost never come up in conversation (because it is so "obvious" to both of you). A lot of the time, the meaning of a conversation can depend on whether you believe one of these things.

11:03 PM  

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