Friday, June 30, 2006

Laughter Is a Sin

There is nothing more unattractive than laughter. It is possible to be angry, or cheerful, or pathetically sad and keep your dignity. It is not possible to look or sound good while laughing. It brings out the worst in people. They wheeze or snort or bray or choke. There are hundreds of attractive noises that people can make, and none of them are involved in laughing. I guess people who are trained opera singers could probably manage a nice laugh, if they didn't lose control of themselves, but they probably would. Opera singers laugh nicely. I think the only really sensible thing to do if you have a fit of laughter is to make no noise at all, like Uriah Heep. That at least will intrigue people.

Not to say that the noise is the only problem with laughter. People who are laughing either gape with their mouths, or crinkle up their faces up into some other horrible baby shape. Probably better to just cover your face with your sleeve. Then I am not offended. By you.


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