Friday, January 05, 2007

It's a Toilet-Training Thing

Ever since Al Gore happened, NPR has been all over the subject of global warming. This is good, I guess, because their previous focus on the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, while socially concious and all that, was grating. I feel bad for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. I'm poor. I vote for Democrats. What more do you want, NPR?

Of course, global warming is something of a "phenomenon" these days, but NPR's take on it is especially annoying. They like to do these human interest stories about brave citizens who are fighting global warming personally. They do that by, I don't know, having solar houses and riding bicycles and just being generally liberal.

I don't know why these people bother me so much more than other saving-the-world-all-by-myself's. I just know they do. Notice to the people of the world: You are not making a difference. Do you have any idea how many people 7 billion is? One man can't make a difference and this means you.

To tell the truth, I think all this anti-global warming activity is done in exactly the same spirit as buttons saying, "Don't blame me, I voted for McGovern." Seriously, all you liberals. Stop listening to your superego. He likes it when you do stuff, and so does Renee Montagne, but the rest of us are going to plug our ears and ramp up our carbon emissions.

Update: I forgot to mention! Last night, on NPR, there was a program about non-religious prayer. I didn't listen to discover what they were talking about, but boy, doesn't "non-religious prayer" just sound like something NPR would be discussing?


Blogger kaylen said...

prayers are for fools!

7:22 PM  

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