Wednesday, May 17, 2006

How do these things even happen

Did you used to think that migraines were things you got? That "migraine" referred to a kind of headache? No more.

"Someone" has decided that from now on migraine is a disease you have like typhoid or malaria. Did you know that had happened?

This is such a subtle shift that you have to wonder what happened. Clearly someone first had the idea to talk about migraines like that, but why? And he convinced other people that they should follow along, but how?

Doesn't that sound awkward? Clearly there are no social pressures against language that makes us sound like caveman pathologists. Maybe the opposite. Maybe the intention is to make pathologists seem like savants who never mastered basic English but can nevertheless understand the most intractable diseases. I can see the appeal in that to some people.

Honestly folks I am frightened that my language could change out from under me and I might never have noticed.

While we are on the subject be sure to buy an Adolescent Migraine Awareness BBQ Apron. It comes with such exciting features as ugly design and uselessness.


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