Monday, September 11, 2006

Marketing Potential -->Here<--

Along with fancy gum (Would you prefer anise, or tarragon flavor?) something conspicuously absent from the food scene is daredevil mustard. Think about it. We already have hot sauces that are way too hot for actual people to eat, but I think they're all based on red pepper. The only use for these is practical jokes. Also, they come in bottles that are USMC-type masculine, because enduring pain is a male thing. Even better are the ones that come in naked lady bottles. I guess because liking naked ladies is also male. (What else is male? Being good at spatial reasoning but not so much at verbal comprehension? I'd like to see that.)

You don't see any mustard jars that are like that. Are they capable of making mustard that is hot enough to be painful even to the experts? They do a lot of chemical engineering; if nothing else, they could probably extract the active hot chemical in mustard, and reintroduce it into the bottled product. I like mustard way better than red pepper, so this is a product that would appeal to me. Especially if it came in a mathematics

You could carry that concept even further. Super-hot black pepper? Why is some Malaysian person not working on breeding very hot pepper? Maybe very hot onions. Raw garlic is pretty hot. Why aren't men who want to look like big men putting garlic on their hamburgers, instead of onions. Maybe when they've demonstrated that they can stand garlic, we'll let them have the super-hot onions that, I am sure, are in development somewhere.


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