Sunday, September 24, 2006

Uh Oh

According to this, I have all but two of the symptoms for mild Alzheimer's disease, and all but one of the symptoms for moderate Alzheimer's. Luckily I don't have any of the symptoms for severe Alzheimer's, so Aricept(tm) can still help me, but my faculties are apparently fading. Test yourself, before it's too late.

Which reminds me. The local newspaper had a "is your son using heroin" series a year ago, and I tested positive for all the warning signs but blue lips and unexplained phone calls. I guess I'm just a troubled youth.

Also, Aricept thoughtfully provided you with this section, Enjoying Time With Your Loved One. I know they mean your senile loved one, but it's still thoughtful. If you ever feel bored, well why not "play simple card games"? I know nothing cheers me up like a round of UNO.


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