Saturday, February 03, 2007

New From Wikipedia

Mathematical mixed metaphors:

"The ant goes under this archway along the dotted green path. Then the ant passes through a surface belonging to the same archway (a "passage barrier"), like a ghost passing through a wall, then walks along the inside surface of another tentacle -- a "passage" -- which feeds into the cave entrance which the ant previously walked through. Now the ant walks along the yellow path (inner surface) towards the root of the "tentacle" which leads directly into the inner chamber. The ant walks in the inner chamber towards the bottom and lands in the same point where it started, but oriented inwards."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh la la!

p.s. - what the?
p.p.s. - in response to your last post: i will make you some mobius strip pasta someday. it seems easy enough...and i do own a pair of old italian lady hands in training.

3:58 AM  

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