Thursday, March 01, 2007


The things that happen when you don't blog. I totally missed the boat on Conservapedia. I was there before the avalanche of hipster traffic crashed their servers; I just forgot to blog about it. I was there when it started, on the scene, and that is why you read Let us remember our obligation to the people. Conservapedia is back up, so let's commence commentary.

In case you have been locked in the pantry for the last week, Conservapedia is like Wikipedia, but conservative (AKA no British spellings!). Of course, it's new... and it doesn't have many servers... and half the editors are hipster moles... and many of the users are sickeningly dumb, but its mission is conservative and pure. I know the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but what could be more heavenly than Conservapedia? Click the "random article" button a bunch for a sample.


The complete text of As You Like It.

List of numbers. Compare.

Sarcastic cactus article.

There are lots of articles like this.

debate topics.

A thrill. Why, without Conservapedia, we never would have known that Wikipedia is biased. Biased in the direction of no fun, that is. Next time you see a conservative, give him a high five for me-- and one for yourself, I'm sure, because take my word for it: You will love Conservapedia.


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