Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Animals: Sweet Smelling or Not?

Chickens: Chickens are my personal favorite smelling animals. I am of course referring to the chickens themselves, and not anything that might come out of them. Have you ever picked up a great big chicken and just stuck your nose into it and inhaled? You will not regret it, I guarantee you. Other birds smell pretty good too, but probably not so much.

Cats: Cats usually smell like nothing at all. Today my cat was smelling like a chicken. That was kind of a treat.

Cows: Cows are more fun to touch than to smell, but they do give of a pleasant hot leather smell when they are alive. When they are dead they sometimes smell like cold leather but this is only if they have been made into leather and are cold.

Pigs: Does anybody know how pigs really smell? They're not often clean. I bet they have that same hot flesh smell that cows do, on the occasions that they are clean. Since they're swampy animals in general though, I think it would be fair to classify them as bad smelling. They chose to wallow and they will have to live with that choice.

Insects: There are no good smelling insects with the exception of formica ants. They add a zest to life don't you think?

Chinchillas: They smell like the dust they are continuously rolling in. I guess if you like the smell of chinchillas depends on whether you like the smell of dust. I could go either way.

Dogs: I feel sorry for dogs. If only there was some way to make your skin waterproof without stinking. It doesn't come up very often. How do tigers smell? Or ducks? Or what other terrestrial animals go in the water. Not as many as you would think.

Amphibians and Reptiles: I think every member of these classes wets on you when you pick them up. Not only is that antisocial, it is bad-smelling.

Sheep and Goats: Well gosh these animals smell like lanolin. Surely you are not surprised? What is really surprising, when you get down to it, is that mutton and goat cheese taste like lanolin. That is both surprising and disgusting, for my money. Fun fact!! Lanolin contains so-called "sheep alcohol". My mind is racing.


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