Friday, October 20, 2006


Have you ever shouted at the top of your lungs? When was the last time you shouted so hard that you positively couldn't shout any harder? I can't remember the last time I have.

I'm sure I did once. I probably did when I was a very little boy, probably with my fists all balled up and adorable. Also, it was probably more of a shriek than a yell. I don't think I have recently though. I haven't been far enough away from civilization to feel anything but self-concious while yelling.

I just don't know what to expect. What does it even feel like to yell as loud as you possibly can? Does your throat hurt? Do you run out of breath almost instantly? Does your diaphragm get exhausted?
Next time I am in the Utah desert I will probably try to shout, but what if I'm louder than I think? I could draw a rescue party from Provo by accident. On second thought, maybe I will try it next time I am in New York City. Nobody cares there, right?


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