Thursday, November 16, 2006

Liberty Dollars

Completing our daily examination of crackpots (Tommy Thompson is so a crackpot, even if he may seem boring) let us have a look at Liberty Dollars, the official currency of people who refuse to recognize the jurisdiction of US courts.

It is printed by Bernard von NotHaus, formerly of the Royal Hawaiian Mint. I have no way of telling whether that is his real name, but I bet he keeps his real name secret. Then, when they implant the Verichip tracking device, it will be completely fuddled.

The Liberty Dollar is favorably referred to by such leading lights as the Idaho Observer, who probably moved to Idaho because when he lived in New Jersey, people laughed. Another member of his circle is this guy, who writes at length about "Geocaching", which is a fancy word for burying your money so that the revenuers can't get at it. And there is this dude, who advertises "Simple Orca Solutions 2000", to be paid for in Liberty Dollars.

Naturally, there's a campaign to get retailers to accept the Liberty Dollar, but I can't see it catching on, if the flakiest merchants are the face of the movement. I don't know about you, but I'd prefer to spend my REAL money on meat and potatoes, and buy my serotonin and BioElectric Shields with fake fiat money. It seems more appropriate that way.

The American Liberty Dollar website has a store of its own, selling exactly one product, and it's not Liberty Dollars. No, it's a hat and shirt combo. Very nice, but you are hardly going to get rich on kahki tees. We are trying to build a new economy here.

P.S. Milton Friedman died. I think we should all use the Liberty Dollar in his honor, starting... right now.


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