Friday, March 02, 2007

Stalinist Aesthetics

In other simulacrum news, conservatives have launched an answer to The Daily Show, running on the Fox network. No word yet on whether they have come up with a conservative John Stewart who is as proud of himself as the original, but his face is undoubtedly less rubbery.

So we're off to a good start. All it needs now is the a studio audience that screams continuously, and to have exhausted all its jokes, and we'll have a show.

But more importantly, what's the deal with conservative knockoffs? I enjoyed Air America as much as the next guy (not at all), and remember, but haven't they taught us a lesson? I just don't think there's a market for ideologically inverted entertainment, as the professors would put it. There is obviously something about an endlessly smug comedy show that is just intrinsically appealing to liberals, and I'm certainly not going to doubt whatever natural law is behind that.

But of course, this is how great progress is made. Or could be, if the marketing experts behind the Republican party are correct. How about
  • Conservative constructivist artwork
  • Conservative Unitarianism
  • Conservative Scandinavia
  • Conservative Democratic Party
  • Conservative Noam Chomsky
  • Conservative air
  • Conservative black people
  • Conservative


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