Sunday, May 28, 2006

Named Dances

What happened to these? They used to name dances, right? Like the Monkey and the Electric Slide? And then they stopped. I guess the Macarena was the last one? I didn't hear about any particular dances after that. Do people still dance in certain ways? Do they just recycle the old dances? Has the mine of dancing been worked out? I doubt it. Do people just make up dances and not refer to them by names? Do they just talk about "that dance where you do so and so and so?" Why is that a better method. Are people just expected to make up their own new dance each time they come to the floor? Or does everyone have his own personal catalog of dances and has no need to name them -- he just knows what they are. Maybe people do name dances, but I'm just not in the loop. I doubt that though. I don't like the new music but at least I know what it's *called*. Do people still dance? I kind of thought they did. But what do I know. I don't dance.


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