Wednesday, August 23, 2006, Pt. 2

I gleefully read the little memo at the bottom of this week's episode of "The next PostSecret book will be going to press in 8 days. All postcards received between now and then will be considered, especially optimistic and funny secrets and secrets from men."

What this means, of course, is that the author has received too many sorry-for-myself secrets from women. Gosh do you think? I don't know why else he would go into this business. "My father raped me when I was two. He died last year. I still hate him."

If you don't want to get that kind of thing hundreds of times a week, don't become a post-card-therapist. Funny secrets from men are very well (I'm thinking of Animal House type things here even though those aren't funny) but they're not the kind of things you mail in on a tearstained postcard. People read to see tiny, sensational stories about human suffering. It's a bad habit, but don't let them down.


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