Sunday, September 17, 2006


I haven't ragged on for a while so perhaps now is a good time. Wikipedia has the worst book reviews in the galaxy. I think this stems from their one-size-fits-all policy, so that Oliver Twist looks like it's being reviewed by a nine-year old, while children's books get this weird "But what if they were real books"? treatment.

The exhaustive review of The Very Hungry Caterpillar is livened up by the big bold blue official spoiler warning. "But tomorrow we were going to find out who the dish ran away with." The Monster at the End of This Book is even more clinical. After the desperate spoiler warning: "The monster turns out to be Grover himself, making the story self-referential." I hope I didn't ruin anyone's plans for this evening. Jesus Wikipedia, you get a good idea like spoiler warnings, and then you just embarass yourself. Wikipedia doesn't deserve to have the finer things, like book reviews, if it's going to cheapen them.


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