Saturday, March 03, 2007

Surround Sound

I don't doubt that proponents of surround sound are sincere. I guess it even does sound better than everyday sound. But why? Normal sounds come at us from one direction. When you listen to someone play the guitar, you hear them play the guitar from the front. If the acoustics are good, you get a little sound from the side, but barely. It's not the same as having two half guitars, one on each side, and yet nobody is dissatisfied with live performances.

Perhaps they think the ability to see the performer makes up for the fact that the sound quality is poor, but I've never heard anyone disparage public performances in any way. If you could get two guitarists, one on each side, playing the same tune, would that sound better? Is that why there are dozens of violinists in an orchestra? I have a lot to learn about surround sound my friends, but at least I am asking the right question.


Blogger kaylen said...

surround sound distinguishes us from the hippies.

when you go to a concert, everything is fed to you in surround sound speakers. delicious. unless you go to the sort of performance where it is one person with a guitar and that is all. well, all except for the drugs and free love. frankly, i hope you are not going to those kindsa hippie concerts, sir.

also, there's something about the right and left ear each having different strengths. one picks up bass sounds better and one picks up treble and rhythm... plus it's silly to think your ears care what's in front of you more.

1:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Surround sound is great for when you go to concerts at which it is impossible to see the performer either because of someone's fat head, your own height issues (well, not yours because you are tall...lucky), or terrible lighting arrangements that cause a very very strong blindingly bright stage light to blaze right through the back of your eyes and into your brain, where it causes the synapses to snap and pop and create the sensation of sheer madness and extreme discomfort...sort of like at the concert I went to tonight.

2:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are we overlooking something? I think the main proponents of surround sound are avid movie watchers. People want to be IN that car crash/gunfight/awkward argument.
ps. My Word Verification is "Cukwif"

12:05 PM  

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